quinta-feira, 24 de setembro de 2015

Associação Comunitária Criança

Ação Social de Acadêmicos do Unilasalle na Associação Comunitária Criança Feliz dia 24 de setembro. Parabéns aos Universitários que proporcionaram as crianças uma tarde de brincadeiras e cuidados com a beleza!

2 comentários:

  1. A Community Association for Children works to support families in a community by offering programs, activities, and resources that help children. These organizations frequently provide social assistance, recreational opportunities, and educational enrichment, which helps young inhabitants feel included and healthy. prostitution in virginia

  2. What makes these associations so valuable is their ability to unite diverse groups of people. Volunteers, local businesses, schools, and government agencies often come together under one umbrella to create programs and initiatives that benefit children. This collaborative approach not only strengthens community bonds but also maximizes resources, ensuring that children have a wide array of services and opportunities to tap into.
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