A Pastoral Universitária, fiel a seus objetivos e, buscando inovar sempre, a partir deste segundo semestre de 2016, propôe a seguinte sistemática para realização do Atividades Voluntárias:
1) O(a) interessado(a) se cadastra neste Blog no campo, QUERO FAZER VOLUNTARIADO e;
2) Participar de um dos encontros de Sensibilização/Capacitação para Serviço Voluntário, disponibilizados aqui mesmo no Unilasalle;
3) Preenche, presencialmente na Pastoral, o Termo de Adesão e ... Pronto, APTO PARA O SERVIÇO VOLUNTÁRIO!
Bora fazer o bem!!!
Volunteering is a rewarding activity that gives people the chance to support their communities while developing important life skills. There was a discernible increase in interest in and involvement in volunteer work in the second half of 2016. Numerous institutions and nonprofits provided a variety of ways for people to become engaged, from youth mentoring programs to environmental conservation initiatives. Volunteering offers a platform for social and personal development in addition to cultivating a sense of generosity. All things considered, the volunteerism trend of 2016–2 demonstrated an admirable dedication to improving society.
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